The following article is just one of tens-of-thousands of abuse cases in the U.S. where doctors blackball patients for filing complaints, filing a lawsuit against a doctor or just being annoying or uncooperative. Once they give you the boot, you are doomed to suffer.

Unfortunately, doctors can conspire against you and there's nothing the patient can do. Sadly, many doctors are heartless thugs and couldn't care less if you drop dead. Once you make an enemy in the medical profession, they will hurt you everywhere that your medical records follow. They talk behind the scenes without your knowledge, and the next thing you know, you're being abused by people you've never met. A new clinic that you've never had a cross word with treats you like a criminal. This is what thugs do!

Doctors, sad to say, are one of the most arrogant groups in society. Doctors greatly resent and despise when someone dares go to the internet to educate themselves; yet there are doctors posting all over the internet. What a bunch of hypocrites!

the worst hospitals.com

If you've been blackballed by the medical community, what can you do? It is evil what is happening to patients. Hospitals arrogantly think they can do as they please, forcing people to receive rectal exams, taking blood samples for government databases without the patient's knowledge, denying medical treatment unless you sign a financial commitment, et cetera.

When Doctors Shun Difficult Patients

OJAI, Calif., Nov. 10— Even Jeanie Joshua agrees she is a troublesome patient. But, she asks, is that good enough reason for all the kidney doctors and dialysis centers in two counties to deny her the blood-cleansing treatments without which she will quickly die?

By her own account, the 38-year-old Ms. Joshua challenges doctors about her treatment and does not always follow orders. She is suing one of her former doctors for malpractice, and another doctor told her he could no longer abide ''your insistence in directing your medical treatment to such an extreme degree.''

Now, none of the kidney specialists and none of the six kidney centers in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties will accept Ms. Joshua for dialysis.

Three times a week her husband must drive her to Los Angeles, a round trip of nearly 150 miles to and from this remote town.

Her situation tests the limits of a doctor's legal right to refuse unwanted or obstreperous patients when medical resources are scarce. And Ms. Joshua's assertion that she is the victim of a doctors' ''conspiracy'' to blackball her for suing a colleague also raises the ethical issue of whether professional people are justified in shunning litigious clients.

Nothing in law obliges a physician to take a patient, said Alexander Morgan Capron, professor of law, medicine and public policy at the University of Southern California. But he said Ms. Joshua's assertion about blackballing a litigious patient, if true, raised the possibility of a ''severe chilling'' of the right to sue for malpractice.

''A doctor does not have to take a patient just as a patient does not have to take a doctor,'' agreed Ms. Joshua's lawyer, Marie Rodarte Tobyansen of Carpinteria. ''But you cannot just let somebody die. A lot of doctors do not want to treat patients with AIDS. Does that mean they are not entitled to treatment?'' Doctor Had to Stay in Town

On Oct. 7, Ms. Joshua's latest nephrologist, or kidney specialist, Dr. David W. Doner Jr. of Santa Barbara, wrote her that he would drop her by Nov. 4. He said her insistence on directing her course of treatment had ''strained'' their relationship and added that serving as her doctor has harmed ''both my professional education and family life.'' He could not go out of town, he told her, because no other doctor would serve as his backup for her.

Dr. Doner offered a number of alternatives, including home dialysis, all of which the frail, 92-pound woman says are unacceptable or medically impossible.

Stroking her black Persian kitten, Yoda, Ms. Joshua discussed her case in the redwood house she and her husband, Sholom, built on a hill with a sweeping view of the Ojai Valley. Mr. Joshua is a child-abuse investigator for Ventura County. They recounted the events this way:

Ms. Joshua, a former teacher, lost kidney function five and a half years ago as a result of lupus, a chronic skin disease that often impairs the kidneys. She tried dialysis at home, under the supervision of Dr. Michael Fisher of Santa Barbara. The filters on the machine malfunctioned, allowing nitrates into her body. Red blood cells were destroyed, transfusions were needed and her health worsened.

In 1986, she sued Dr. Fisher, her home nurse, the maker of the machinery, various laboratories and others. The suit is pending. Then she switched to another kind of home dialysis. But an infection forced the removal of the catheter and Ms. Joshua was forced again to seek conventional dialysis away from her home. This precipitated the latest crisis.

Dr. Doner, she says, made up various excuses for not having her treated at the Santa Barbara Artificial Kidney Dialysis Center, 35 miles away. The nearest available centers for regular dialysis are in Los Angeles. 'My Total Preoccupation'

''The tragedy is that I am forced to make this my total preoccupation,'' she said. ''When you are left without life support in the area where you live, it takes over your whole life. So granted I'm a big pain in the butt. What's that got to do with denying me life support?'' She charged that the doctors who would back up Dr. Doner were partners of Dr. Fisher, whom she is suing, and therefore will not treat her.

An attorney for Dr. Fisher, Marvin A. Bauer, denied the charge. ''Everybody in a humane way feels sorry for her plight,'' he said, ''but she has brought much of this on herself. She is noncompliant, she has her own ideas about her medical care. It is her approach to doctors that makes them say, 'Wait a minute.' ''

The lawyer for Dr. Doner, Ms. Joshua's latest physician, said his client originally accepted Ms. Joshua knowing about the litigation but had ultimately grown exasperated. ''The issue is solely that she is difficult,'' said the lawyer, Harold M. Haider, adding that she had refused certain tests and had improperly taken a medication bought in Mexico that was not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Ms. Joshua concedes that taking the drug was ''a mistake.'' Precedent on Doctors' Side

Ultimately, Mr. Haider said, any doctor has a right to withdraw after giving sufficient notice and providing suggestions for alternative treatment. Otherwise, he continued, the doctor would be subjected to ''involuntary servitude.''

Legal precedent seems to support his view. In 1979 a doctor in Oakland refused further dialysis to a 35-year-old heroin addict because of disruptive and uncooperative behavior.

The addict sued the doctor and his hospital but lost at trial. On appeal, the judge in the Court of Appeal, Joseph Grodin, now on the California Supreme Court, upheld the doctor but was troubled. ''Occasionally,'' he wrote, ''a case will challenge the ability of the law and society to cope effectively and sensitively with fundamental problems of existence. This is such a case.''


Lawyers are no better. Whether doctors, lawyers or law enforcement, birds-of-a-feather stick together. The Bar Association was created BY lawyers, FOR lawyers and to PROTECT lawyers. The only time the Bar Association will crack down on a lawyer is if he goes against other lawyers. This is how they force lawyers to comply with THE SYSTEM.

The Bar Association is nothing more than foxes investigating chicken complaints against other foxes who oversee the hen house. You've got the foxes investigating the foxes! This is why it's almost impossible to win a complaint against a lawyer or a doctor. Most medical complaint boards are biased FOR doctors. It is sickening!

Something needs to change in America. Doctors ought not be able to blackball suffering patients and deny them medical care. It is evil. Doctors like to kiss each other's butts at banquets, fund raisers and multiple social gatherings. They are a close knit group. If you dare upset your doctor by filing a complaint against him or her, you will be turned down everywhere you go for medical care. Clinics will hang up on you and blame it on a bogus phone problem. They'll make you wait as long as possible before returning your phone calls. They'll make you wait for everything. There's hundreds of ways they can make your life hell-on-earth, and they will just because you offended them. It's so wrong.

Medical doctors and surgeons are often portrayed as wonderful humanitarians; but many people have painfully learned that doctors are often an arrogant bunch of gossipers, thugs and snobs.

There is something you CAN DO to make a difference and take a stand. Let everyone know about your doctor, good or bad. Here are 3 rating websites that millions of people, including major magazines and newspapers, access for information on doctors. If you've been abused, mistreated or blackballed, here's your chance to speak out . . .

Check your doctor's patient rating
or add your doctor(s) and rate them!




I Was Abused At CEDARS-SINAI Hospital!!!

John 8:32 and 36, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you
free ... If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”